回想起2010年中的一個早上,見到一個朋友,他說「陸克文總理下台了」,我馬上用手機上新聞網站一看,果然!他剛向傳媒講述辭職讓位給副總理Julia Gillard,說尊重內閣投票的決定,對曾任總理感到光榮,並祝繼任人成功等等。
當然了,Party Rooms關上門和政壇內外,有不可告人的協商、慘烈的鬥爭、背後的出賣、無情的犧牲 ,但是人民不用捱炮彈,衣食住行不受影響。
回覆刪除Libya case is not about 獨裁者. It is about western countries deciding to rob the country for its oil. The gov't would fall even if it were run by a democratic gov't.
回覆刪除And China would not follow Libya case because China does not have enough things to be robbed right now.
Another thing is Nobody really knows who the「義軍」are (said by Robert Gates- the US Secretary of Defence).
回覆刪除It would be ironic if these people turn out to have ties with terrorist groups.
但推翻這位獨裁者之後後, 是否就能得到真正的民主呢?
而為利益而戰的團隊一但失去共同的敵人, 就很容易爆發內訌, 戰事往往一再拖延.......
而且即使不發生內訌,"狂人"所屬之部落的族人的下場, 恐怕亦得不到"公平""公正""公開"的對待......
故此, Raymond兄將此事稱為喜事, 小弟實在不能認同....
回覆刪除數天前,The Guardian舊事重提,韓馬紹極有可能是英美政府殺死的。你知韓馬紹是誰嗎!
為了油,沙地阿拉伯也危了![future tense]
回覆刪除油價下跌了。還有Libya的油是sweet oil,很正的!
回覆刪除The oil argument doesn't stand quite well in Libya case. For example the UK had a very good relationship with Gaddafi before this whole damn thing started. the Brits sold firearm to Libya and in return they did business with Brits oil company. Same happened to other countries, including the democratic west, China, Russia etc. If it's for the oil the best for these countries to do would be to let Gaddafi do what he want and make him happy, not removing him.
回覆刪除"because of oil" becomes a very lazy argument used by people who dislike the west in general. It is true in certain case like Iraq, but is not always right definitely wrong in Libya.
the trigger of Nato intervention I believe is the potential massacre of Benghazi. Not long ago when Gaddafi had the upper hand and the rebel retreated to their last strong hold Benghazi and yell to west for help, Gaddafi made it quite clear that he'd show no mercy to anyone in the city who dare resist his force. Europe would not like this thing happen again in its doorstep-I say again because Europe and Nato was critized, by probably the same group of people who critize them now, that they were too slow to act Kosova, Serbia and Bosina in the 90s.
回覆刪除this is the destination of one party or one group of single regime.how many nations are still exist in one party regime..north korean,c....and their exist sooner or later be disolved...
回覆刪除Sweet oil 應是 sweet crude!
回覆刪除更正:sweet oil 應是 sweet crude!
to William,
回覆刪除Don't want to argue here but your description of war for oil argument as being lazy is certainly not substantiated:
- "We're in Libya because of oil"-said by US Representative Ed Markey.
- Suggest you read the following link for some facts:
"Human Rights Watch (which some call an imperialist-oriented NGO) reported that there has been no civilian bloodbath by Gaddafi. In Misurata, for example, with 400,000 population (second largest city), after two months of war only 257 people were killed, including combatants. Of 949 wounded, only 22 (3%) were women.
As France took the lead, along with UK, to threaten Gaddafi militarily, Gaddafi threatened (March 2) to throw western oil companies out of Libya. With more blustering from the west, Gaddafi invited (March 14) Chinese, Russian and Indian oil companies to take their place. On March 17, the US-France-UK got want they wanted for starters from the UN. Resolution 1973, calling only for a no-fly strategy and not a regime shift or troop landings, was not backed by key big powers: China, Russia, Brazil, India and Germany. Of the 28 NATO countries, only 14 are involved in the Libyan campaign and only six of those are in the air war."
回覆刪除over over,五毛黨來了,知道知道,roger.
回覆刪除To me it's a bit pointless to use quotes from anti-west or anti-war organizations and individuals to counter my argument, as they already have a unmovable belief that it all for oil. I could, but I wouldn't because of the same reason, quote from David Cameroon, Nicholas Sakozy etc, to support the intervention.
You seem not understanding my logic on why the west would be better off to let Gaddafi alone instead of removing him. You started with "As France took the lead, along with UK, to threaten Gaddafi militarily....." My argument is they wouldn't even verbally threaten Gaddafi in the first place if what they want is oil. If so what you described next would not happen and business continue.
One thing I've found it appalling from people like to you is that, on one hand you condemn NATO or whatever power intervening other countries, on the other hand have a fair good will towards the dictators and believe that the people will definitely be better off in the hand of them instead of whoever new leaders/gov't after the intervention. Gaddafi, after all, fired at and bombed peaceful protesters. these all happened before the west got involved and well reported by media of all sorts. You quote Misrata but the fact is it never fell in Gaddafi hands. It's rebel control throughout the past six months amid heavy siege from Gaddafi. The casualty would have been higher if Gaddafi broke through. Benghazi was the last hold of the rebel in the east they had nowhere to go (they retreated from central Libya all the way). With his military supremacy it's days away for Gaddafi to occupy it. You seriously think that nothing bad would happen? To you what did "with no mercy" mean by Gaddafi?
回覆刪除I understand your logic - France and other countries would be willing to use their militaries to save people in Libya- I just don’t believe it because it does not fit in with facts. It is your choice to believe goodwill gesture of foreign countries on this event.
If a country is justified to attach another country just to prevent something bad could/ might happen, there is no need for the existence of UN, no respect of a national sovereignty.
(*Please note that I quoted Facts & news quote from web sites for references, don’t be confused with quoting David Cameroon, Nicholas Sakozy’s personal opinions.)
Also, contrary to your statement, Misrata was initially controlled under Gaddafi before the western countries interventions. And again- the western observers did not find massacre there.
Also, the trigger of Nato intervention was NOT "the potential massacre of Benghazi". It was after Gaddafi threatened to throw western oil companies out of Libya and gave the contracts to Russia and China (March 2).
回覆刪除-No you still don't understand my logic. Put it simple, if it's all about oil, they don't need to make all these fuss. There's a simpler way to do it. You can still believe your theory, it just to me is not quite credible.
- Take a look at the your link. it's apparently anti-intervention. You call it facts but sorry, it's no more credible than I quote Cameroon - I'm not quoting Cameroon for quoting sake but to demonstrate that it's pointless to use someone who already have a very strong view on the issue as evidences.
- you are wrong about Misrata. The rebel have occupied Misrata since the uprising in Feb and Gaddafi has never taken full control of the city again. even wiki now has a page on the Battle of Misrata why not go and take a look? And if Gaddafi take hold of the city, what would he do to the captured rebel and the defected generals/soliders?
- Same to Benghazi. What would happen if Gaddafi and his army take the city? What did he mean by "no mercy"? Was it just a joke from a man who has a track record of shooting peaceful protesters?
- the UN resolution was passed on 17th March the day when Benghazi was completely surrounded by Gaddafi force and an attack was imminent. To me, this's why UN has to rush through the resolution on that day. If you can recall the news, the whole thing was done in a hurry so that NATO have some degree of legitimacy to act.
- If it's not because of the situation and Benghazi, but for oil, they don't need to do it on that day. They can do it in the Iraq way, get troops prepared, picked a good day, and boom right?
- And how noble (or stupid whatever you put it) the Russian and the Chinese were not to veto the resolution, it the whole damn thing is to prevent the west losing business to Russian and Chinese companies?
- I feel even more appalled after discussing with you here. I rest my case here. Sorry for the "words wall" on your blog Chris.