2008年7月24日 星期四

Prison Vs Office 監獄與辦公室的比較


Prison : You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell (監獄:你大部分時間在 10 尺見方的囚室裡)

Office : You spend the majority of your time in an 6X6 cubicle /office (辦公室:你大部分時間在 6 尺見方的工作間裡)

Prison : You get three meals a day fully paid for (監獄:三餐免費供應)

Office : You get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it (辦公室:有短暫的用膳時間讓你吃一餐,自費)

Prison : You get time off for good behaviour (監獄:行為良好,有假放)

Office : You get more work for good behaviour (辦公室:行為良好,上司加你的「辛」)

Prison : The guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you (監獄:督導員為你開門關門)

Office : You must often carry a security card and open all the doors for yourself (辦公室:你要隨身帶保安電腦卡,自己開門鎖門)

Prison : You can watch TV and play games (監獄:你可以看電視玩遊戲)

Office : You could get fired for watching TV and playing games (辦公室:在辦公室看電視玩遊戲,有炒魷之虞)

Prison : You get your own toilet (監獄:你有私家廁所)

Office : You have to share the toilet with some people (辦公室:你要同別人公用廁所)

Prison : They allow your family and friends to visit (監獄:家人可以來探你)

Office : You aren't even supposed to speak to your family (辦公室:謝絕私人探訪)

Prison : All expenses are paid by the taxpayers (監獄:一切開支由納稅人負擔)

Office : You get to pay all your expenses to go to work, and they deduct taxes from your salary (辦公室:上班交通費一概自己負責,發薪前先扣稅)

Prison : You must deal with sadistic wardens (監獄:你要與有虐待狂的督導員周旋)

Office : They are called your supervisors (辦公室:在辦公室,這類人叫做你的上司)


