I was focking ALP member before, but I know they pre-select who should go for election within the party in each electorate in three levels of elections, NOT nominated by the people, not at all. That's focking why this can be used as focking excuse for having NO popular nominated in focking hk too, man!
Secondly, bipartisan politics dont actually mean the elected one will be good, actually just focking less bad on the election day, man. They focking doing same, or not doing that good to the voters in the next few years. Only more competition as in any market can solve this very issue; so we badly focking need a 3rd major party to replace the one less useful, i.e., either LP or ALP in this country, man...
Be Honest speaking, Campell Newman did only one good thing in his term was his determination against OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs ), but only after the fight 2 years ago in Gold Coast which he implemented the VLAD laws which is similar to the defunct Consorting laws that can allow police to arrest anybody that hangs around with a Known crmininal or known gangsters! But this law also cause huge unpoularity in queensland. Comments? Chris
Be Honest speaking, Campell Newman did only one good thing in his term was his determination against OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs ), but only after the fight 2 years ago in Gold Coast which he implemented the VLAD laws which is similar to the defunct Consorting laws that can allow police to arrest anybody that hangs around with a Known crmininal or known gangsters! But this law also cause huge unpoularity in queensland. Comments? Chris
#Summary Offences Act 1966 - SECT 49F Consorting 49F. Consorting (1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, habitually consort with a person who has been found guilty of, or who is reasonably suspected of having committed, an organised crime offence. Penalty: 2 years imprisonment. (2) The accused bears the burden of proving reasonable excuse for habitual consorting to which a charge of an offence against subsection (1) relates. (3) In this section- organised crime offence means an indictable offence against the law of Victoria, irrespective of when the offence was or is suspected to have been committed, that is punishable by level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum) or more and that- (a) involves 2 or more offenders; and (b) involves substantial planning and organisation; and (c) forms part of systemic and continuing criminal activity; and (d) has a purpose of obtaining profit, gain, power or influence.
但今年NSW政府重新執行的Consorting法捉了一個輕度弱智的21歲年輕人(有犯罪案底前科) , 因警方見到他和号二名有罪案底的人密切來往超過=次,而被拘捕兼審訊後被刮坐牢9個月而引起的爭議! http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2012/s3544879.htm Anti-bikies law catches unlikely target Consort law sends the wrong message by: Robin Speed From: The Australian August 24, 2012 12:00AM http://www.theaustralian.com.au/…/story-e6frg97x-1226456978…
回覆刪除ISIS 壞事做盡!
刪除後籐健二 湯川遙菜 之死
刪除是 安倍政府安排要死的 ”死諫“
驚 ISIS 唔殺落手多過要救他們喇
如今日本裡外敵氣同仇 建軍擴軍修改和平憲法
讓自衛隊成為皇軍 到處反恐為名侵略為實 大條道理
The Asian Cup match was a nail biter. I think the better team won, but one must give credit to the Koreans who did not give up.
刪除I was focking ALP member before, but I know they pre-select who should go for election within the party in each electorate in three levels of elections, NOT nominated by the people, not at all. That's focking why this can be used as focking excuse for having NO popular nominated in focking hk too, man!
回覆刪除Secondly, bipartisan politics dont actually mean the elected one will be good, actually just focking less bad on the election day, man. They focking doing same, or not doing that good to the voters in the next few years. Only more competition as in any market can solve this very issue; so we badly focking need a 3rd major party to replace the one less useful, i.e., either LP or ALP in this country, man...
回覆刪除不過我地維記多一喜,二個月前已踢走 LNP。希望紐省朋友加油。
最終都係要Toxic Rabbit & Co 走路,班友大話連篇,憑欺騙上台,其實是「梅毒」的代理人。
Turnbull 「吞寶」 也是一丘之貉,全部快快滾蛋,速速還我 NBN !
昆士蘭也出了不少怪雞,先有Pauline Hanson「搵你信」黨, 現在又有個搵錢撻死人的 江湖政黨 Clive Palmer United Party. 上次聯邦大選無啦啦納咗三席,好在今次他們唔多掂。若果是Hung Parliament 要靠他們Balance of Power,就真是大乜鑊。
刪除工黨會多派福利嗎 ? 這點最重要 !
刪除Be Honest speaking, Campell Newman did only one good thing in his term was his determination against OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs ), but only after the fight 2 years ago in Gold Coast which he implemented the VLAD laws which is similar to the defunct Consorting laws that can allow police to arrest anybody that hangs around with a Known crmininal or known gangsters! But this law also cause huge unpoularity in queensland. Comments? Chris
回覆刪除Be Honest speaking, Campell Newman did only one good thing in his term was his determination against OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs ), but only after the fight 2 years ago in Gold Coast which he implemented the VLAD laws which is similar to the defunct Consorting laws that can allow police to arrest anybody that hangs around with a Known crmininal or known gangsters! But this law also cause huge unpoularity in queensland. Comments? Chris
人家夫妻感情好你都唔底得? 彈人個樣,你老婆也不過猪扒一塊,你哨牙,唇似潤腸,曚猪眼,個身重一陣味,又无自知之明。人必自侮而後人侮之。
普通人? 你咋啩!很多人讚他老婆打扮得體又有型格。政見可以唔同,但這樣攻訐人家外貌,証明你品格低劣。 邱吉爾何嘗靓仔?又肥又矮,没聴說有人要他“注重在普通人心目中的形象“。不要把你的偏見當常識。
你看 以前的總理John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, 州長 Wayne Goss, Peter Beattie ,有沒有像他這樣的?
刪除我是以其人之道還其人之身,說過了“人必自侮而後人侮之“。 那晚他敗選,最後演講,太太從旁安慰而已,Kevin Rudd 太太也一樣啊。你叫人融入澳洲文化,你自己何曾做到? 我的澳洲同事朋友再不喜歡的政客,也不會作這樣的人身攻擊。
回覆刪除Consorting 法是在1920年代末立下的,是因為當時各人皆聞風喪膽的Razor Gang 和其他有名的搶匪的橫行而設的.
一個人A君,除非在有合法/合理的藉口下,不可和一個有有組緻犯罪或各種犯罪案底的人B君密切來往,否則畲被拘捕兼審訊後會被刮坐牢6個月至2年不等.而警方以前是可在任何地方見到任何一個人(有沒有案底到好)和一個有有組緻犯罪或各種犯罪案底的人一起聚集, 便可向=人作出警告兼booking(紀錄在案). 而警方在6個月內看貝在任何地方見到A君同B君五次來往,而己警告兼booking(紀錄在案)五次,便可以Consorting法拘捕兼審訊
#Summary Offences Act 1966 - SECT 49F
49F. Consorting
(1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, habitually consort with a
person who has been found guilty of, or who is reasonably suspected of having
committed, an organised crime offence.
Penalty: 2 years imprisonment.
(2) The accused bears the burden of proving reasonable excuse for habitual
consorting to which a charge of an offence against subsection (1) relates.
(3) In this section-
organised crime offence means an indictable offence against the law of
Victoria, irrespective of when the offence was or is suspected to have been
committed, that is punishable by level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum) or
more and that-
(a) involves 2 or more offenders; and
(b) involves substantial planning and organisation; and
(c) forms part of systemic and continuing criminal activity; and
(d) has a purpose of obtaining profit, gain, power or influence.
但今年NSW政府重新執行的Consorting法捉了一個輕度弱智的21歲年輕人(有犯罪案底前科) , 因警方見到他和号二名有罪案底的人密切來往超過=次,而被拘捕兼審訊後被刮坐牢9個月而引起的爭議!
Anti-bikies law catches unlikely target
Consort law sends the wrong message
by: Robin Speed From: The Australian August 24, 2012 12:00AM
姚!我雖然唔係澳洲人,但都係叫呢條PK去死啦,連老人都蝦,又唔見佢夠膽郁個啲後生、intended to be single parent既、自己找死addicted既...etc福利。
刪除Dear Chris,
回覆刪除Another post just disappeared again, please help to find it. Thanks!