My geography teacher in secondary school always likes to pronunce geography as 'draw-ga-phy'. Most of the second language learners can't recognize the stress pattern of the word.
By the way, maybe next time you can talk about the omitted voice. For example, 'fortunately'. It has four stresses. But the native speakers especially British like to pronunce it as 'fortune-ly'. The 'ate' is omitted. I felt odd when my professor showed the clip, in which Tony Blair addressing an issue in parliament, to us. I asked him why. He explained that although we native speakers all know we should pronunce it word by word, it's very hard to stick to every syllable correctly in daily life. We also have to consider the rhythm of the sentence. 即我們廣東人所說的順不順口。
除了geography 和 discount 的名詞和動詞 外,其它的我已說錯好多年了! Thank you Chris.
刪除My geography teacher in secondary school always likes to pronunce geography as 'draw-ga-phy'. Most of the second language learners can't recognize the stress pattern of the word.
回覆刪除By the way, maybe next time you can talk about the omitted voice. For example, 'fortunately'. It has four stresses. But the native speakers especially British like to pronunce it as 'fortune-ly'. The 'ate' is omitted. I felt odd when my professor showed the clip, in which Tony Blair addressing an issue in parliament, to us. I asked him why. He explained that although we native speakers all know we should pronunce it word by word, it's very hard to stick to every syllable correctly in daily life. We also have to consider the rhythm of the sentence. 即我們廣東人所說的順不順口。
我的British Professor住在香港很多年,識講廣東話的。
刪除不過你照講----nate ly(讀輕聲的 nit )無人會話你錯。
Chris, thank you for sharing with us. It's very useful!!!
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by Svenja
'direct' pronounced as /dai/ is perfectly acceptable!
回覆刪除Besides, the 'va' in innoVAtive can also be pronounced as /vei/.