最近的美國 Connecticut 校園槍擊慘案,一名20歲青年槍殺了母親之後,走入一家小學,射殺廿多人,其中大多數是學童;兇手其後自殺隕命,震動全國。警方尚在調查,有些基督教人士已經跳出來狂抽水了。
例如這個牧師/政客(前Arkansas 州長,曾是共和黨總統候選人) Mike Huckabee:
他的警句是 :
We ask why there’s violence in our schools, but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability. That we’re not just gonna be accountable to the police of they catch us, but one day we stand before a holy God in judgment. If we don’t believe that, then we don’t fear that.
(報道:Mike Huckabee blames shooting on lack of prayer in school)
另一個是Bryan Fischer:
(報道: God Did Not Protect Connecticut Shooting Victims Because Prayer Banned In Schools )
P.S. 這家教會的 Margie Phelps更離譜,在twitter說要為這慘劇讚美神,謂兇手是神的使者,以懲罰美國寬容同性戀!(Westboro Baptist Church to picket Sandy Hook funerals )
高登仔同呢尐人改嘅名好好: 耶撚
刪除I think the latter's argument was right. Since the Americans ditched bible teaching in 62, due to so-called freedom..., young kids from then effectively lost a major and formal way perhaps to learn disciplines, responsibilities, loving each others etc. And, keeping guns and other lethal weapons in the States is right and freedom too...literally time bombs waiting to explode, man!!!
刪除而是God is a gentleman,「你唔俾面佢,佢睇住你死,救你都傻」!
I have heard that, having missed the hidden meaning, perhaps. If he were to preach his religion like that, obviously as we all know he has god-damned failed. No bible nor religion will tell you their god will be like that. Esp Christianity, it has been told that the Father even sent the Son of Man to be killed by men though the latter did ask if he could avoid it. So, it's just the preacher's fault, not the religion nor the book, man!
刪除很大批的人 --zpdrmn
刪除The reason that caused the Connecticut massacre is complex. To explain it from a religious point of view is overly simplistic.
回覆刪除Can the bible teaching save us from violence? Let us take a look at a few bible verses. No Sunday school will teach you that. Yet they are all in the Book.
Bible quotes:
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)
And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. (Matthew 10:21)
End of quotes
You may wonder whether The Chinese Communist Party followed the bible during the Cultural Revolution.
Ontario, Canada
刪除//聖經裡的暴力,多到嚇死你。// That's for sure. The history was full of blood. But the stupid thing was to tie it with God. What kind of God did you get then? That's even more ancient than what you said--18世紀.
刪除I know. I was just comparing 2 different times. No offense. --zpdrmn
刪除不論什麼教, 什麼主義, 也是天生就有抽水基因的, 大家留意一下便知, 通常屋企的抽水大王係老豆, 所以個個有毛有翼之後, 就借故常常不在家吃飯, 成日俾阿媽鬧 !
刪除三個之中﹐要論Margie Phelps最痴線﹐如同天譴論。
刪除You should write a book on comparing and contrasting 信耶穌 and 認大佬. --zpdrmn
回覆刪除祂必在列國之間施行審判,為多族的民斷定是非。他們要將刀打成犁頭,把槍打成鐮刀;這國不舉刀攻擊那國,他們也不再學習戰事。 以賽亞書 2:4
自从十三年前的Columbine ,枪民國已经發生了六十一单如此这般的大件事。至于零星枪战,持枪强奸行劫。碎料矣。報纸冇位摆。
美國200多年的槍文化,全國民藏超過二億支,即使真的厲行禁槍(which is highly unlikely),見效也不是十年八年之事。
一人一支槍,想唔癲都唔得!乜厲行禁槍呢個問題真係咁複雜?睇過Michael Moore套 Bowling For Columbine之後又係覺得幾頭痕???
刪除//如果癲佬只是拿把刀// we (any citizen) will shoot him with a gun here in the US. LOL. --zpdrmn
刪除That's why 癲佬 here won't 只是拿把刀, they get guns. 癲佬 aren't completely 癲. --zpdrmn
回覆刪除"Margie Phelps更離譜,在twitter說要為這慘劇讚美神,謂兇手是神的使者,以懲罰美國寬容同性戀..."
講咩。這個Margie Phelps,已經大受包括其他基督徒的抨擊。