1.「英國的首相沒有經過公民提名,美國總統就非一人一票直接選出....」(施永青:C 觀點 對佔中的預期)
2. 聖公會主教鄺保羅 嘲七一遊行者
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這類人是行業中有地位的人 , 唔係肥C9 , 所以不應是理解力有問題 , 一個係政協 , 一個在大陸有大把生意 , 諗落都係過唔到名利關 , 而且他們有能力走佬到外國 , 即所謂離地 , 放長雙眼 , 佢地等天收
回覆刪除One more information added: Jesus was furious about people using the temple to trade and he turned over the table of those traders in the temple - the holy place. Jesus knows when was enough and enough to stand up against the mainstream.
回覆刪除一黨專政行先, 什麼民主, 投票都假架啦! 切忌勞氣! 人家接order做野, 冇自由意志架! 亞公要捧長毛做特首時, 佢地一樣義無反顧, 飛身撲出黎, 做好奴才本份. 689 都睇西環面色做野, 點話得事播!
回覆刪除宋小莊 -北京大學法學博士
大陸的法學博士 , 只是文棍 , 他們說的不能當真
How the President of the United States is Elected
Start with the Constitution. The basic process of selecting the President of the United States is spelled out in the U.S. Constitution, and it has been modified by the 12th, 22nd, and 23rd amendments. Many additional steps have been added over the years, by custom and by state law -- the process has changed quite a bit over time.
Who Can Run? The President and Vice-President are elected every four years. They must be at least 35 years of age, they must be native-born citizens of the United States, and they must have been residents of the U.S. for at least 14 years. (Also, a person cannot be elected to a third term as President.)
How Do the Political Parties Choose Their Candidates? That's up to the political parties. Most political parties hold conventions, which are large meetings attended by "delegates." Some delegates are selected by state "primary" elections, some are selected by state caucuses (very much like primaries, except with public voting instead of secret ballots), and some are chosen for their prominence in the party. A majority of delegate votes is needed to win the party's nomination. In most cases, the delegates let their chosen presidential candidate select a vice-presidential candidate.
Candidates for President and Vice-President Run Together. In the general election, each candidate for President runs together with a candidate for Vice-President on a "ticket." Voters select one ticket to vote for; they can't choose a presidential candidate from one ticket and a vice-presidential candidate from another ticket.
The Electoral College. The national presidential election actually consists of a separate election in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia; in these 51 elections, the voters are really voting for "electors" pledged to one of the tickets. These electors make up the "Electoral College." (In most cases, the names of the electors aren't written on the ballot; instead the ballot lets voters choose among "Electors for" each of the tickets, naming the presidential and vice-presidential candidates each slate of electors is pledged to.)
刪除Each state has the same number of electors as it has senators and representatives (there are two senators from each state, but the number of representatives depends on the state population in the most recent census). The District of Columbia, although it isn't a state, also participates in presidential elections -- it currently has three electors.
The People in Each State Vote for Electors in the Electoral College. In most of the states, and also in the District of Columbia, the election is winner-take-all; whichever ticket receives the most votes in that state (or in D.C.) gets all the electors. (The only exceptions are Maine and Nebraska. In these states, just two of the electors are chosen in a winner-take-all fashion from the entire state. The remaining electors are determined by the winner in each congressional district, with each district voting for one elector.)
The Electoral College Votes for the President. The Electoral College then votes for President and for Vice-President, with each elector casting one vote; these votes are called electoral votes. Each elector is pledged to vote for particular candidates for President and Vice-President. In most elections, all the electors vote in accordance with the pledge they made; it is not clear what would happen in the unlikely event that a large number of electors violated their pledge and voted differently.
Normally, one of the candidates for President receives a majority (more than half) of the electoral votes; that person is elected President. That candidate's vice-presidential running mate will then also receive a majority of electoral votes (for Vice-President), and that person is elected Vice-President.
If There's No Electoral College Winner, the House of Representatives Chooses the President. In the rare event that no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes, then the President is chosen instead by the House of Representatives, from the top three presidential vote-getters in the Electoral College; each state delegation in Congress casts one vote. (The Vice-President would be chosen from the top two vice-presidential vote-getters by the Senate.)
This is bizarre! Does it really work this way? Yes. There are many arguments pro and con the Electoral College, but this system does guarantee that the person elected President has substantial support distributed throughout the U.S. The Electoral College has also been a major factor in the United States' long-term political stability.
刪除請看我貼在下靣有關美國選舉人票的操作(民意授權). --zpdrmn
刪除1. We are only selecting a mayor for Hong Kong. Thus comparing it to US Presidential election is a logical fallacy. Obviously all US city mayors are "公民提名" (?) & "一人一票" elected. Therefore 施永青 was misled (?) by 中共's (or his own?) 語言偽術 and is following 中共's (or his own?) "carrots".
回覆刪除2. Jesus 「沉默不言」 is to fulfill one of the many prophecies of his death. If he violated such 「沉默不言」 prophecy during the persecution, he wouldn't be the prophesied "Messiah" in Old Testament, and there would not be Christianity today.
In The book of Revelation, didn't Jesus 動氣 about 七教會 & John 慼慼 (after knowing what is to come in this world) ? But were they 「心靈沒有平安」? Thus 鄺某's saying committed a logical fallacy.
回覆刪除end of days near, man; bull shits and more...everywhere, man!!!
回覆刪除當年人民對共產主義有憧憬, 以為脫苦海, 點知上賊船. 而家船上做奴隸. 俾番人民當家作主, 執政黨咪要收檔? 睇689都知佢地幾小家架啦! 點會咁順攤.
回覆刪除【維基百科】Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor. He is best known as the author of the poem "First they came 。。。。".
回覆刪除First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Martin Niemöller was a German pastor and theologian born in Lippstadt, Germany, in 1892. Niemöller was an anti-Communist and supported Hitler's rise to power at first. But when Hitler insisted on the supremacy of the state over religion, Niemöller became disillusioned.
He became the leader of a group of German clergymen opposed to Hitler. Unlike Niemöller, they gave in to the Nazis' threats. In 1937 he was arrested and eventually confined in Sachsenhausen and Dachau.
His crime was "not being enthusiastic enough about the Nazi movement." Niemöller was released in 1945 by the Allies. He continued his career in Germany as a clergyman and as a leading voice of penance and reconciliation for the German people after World War II.
His statement, sometimes presented as a poem, is well-known, frequently quoted, and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy, as it often begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates out of control.
回覆刪除I would be very surprised if mainland China lets HK copy the American system exactly. 選委 would just like dummies and pick whoever the people elect. They don't really make any decision. The people make the decision collectively by voting.
選委票決定誰能當選特首=/=美國以選舉人票「決定」誰當選總統. --zpdrmn
刪除毎州的選舉人票是這樣投的: 做選民的傀儡, 即是那個州的選民選誰, 選舉人票就投給誰. --zpdrmn
若選舉人不這樣做, 政治後果自負. --zpdrmn
刪除electirial college 不是去按比分例給候選人而是勝者通吃
刪除小州得三至五張選舉人票 加利福尼亞州單獨有五十幾張
勝出者全取五十幾票 好過勝出幾個小州
上次 小布殊 和戈爾 就是 戈爾 全國票多過 小布殊
但因 佛羅里達州 全部選舉人票歸 小布殊 結果 龔手相讓 總统之位。
Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin cannot be compared to the HK present chaotic political situation. The Great Rev. Kwong of SKH has not even known the gist of Christianity! It's really ashamed!
....跟住又一定會有人撲出嚟話,英殖時都冇普選,你哋又唔出聲?係囉,就係想話你哋知, 個時幾國泰民安至得。大家有平等機會,肯做就得。 個時個政府幾可靠,毋須人民監管,我信得過交嘅稅會用得其所,唔會俾人飲茅台飲咗去,舞獅舞咗去囉。 個時我信有咩危險可以報警,警察叔叔會幫我,而唔係會揼我架。
但到咗最上面個啲龍頭企業,所謂宗教領袖呀都出嚟講嘢就真係好恐怖。為咗媚共可以得到嘅好處可以去到幾盡? 家下個議會好似街市咁,假學歷嘅人可以做議員,呃錢貪錢嘅可以甩身,開會可以唔跟程序,為咗維護某些人嘅利益就咩法案都可以監粗嚟。跟住仲出黎窒你班小市民,簡直係道德淪亡,要幾無恥有幾無恥。仲問返你咩係良心,頂。
一班所謂社會上嘅領袖為咗護主而自眨身價,無恥地盡力演出,毫不要臉。成個社會的道德標準被拖垮。 最慘係仲有人 buy,好似我有啲朋友咁,好似個班聽主教講嘢有份笑個啲。