2008年9月9日 星期二


2008年9月7日立法會競選,成功獲得一席位的陳克勤,在記者會中回答洋記者英語提問時,把Try our best 講成Try our breast,一音之差,「我們盡力」變成「我們摸胸」。講話的片段被人放上YouTube,據說兩日之內有四萬餘個點擊率。

連日來,有很多網友就這一點,譏笑陳克勤的英文水平。我想有時所謂slip of the tongue,發音出錯不出奇,就算是以英文為母語的人,一樣會有的-----尤其是在那個緊張的場合。


洋記者是問陳克勤,認為選舉結果 "Is it too surprising?"

It is a little bit surprise for us but er...we will try our breast
to...er......still...try our breast to...er...not just
to criticize the government policy but also make some suggestions to improve the people's living. OK?


It is a little bit surprise for us 在語法上是錯的。
記者問的是 Is it too surprising,可以答
It is a little surprising to us (這個 a little副詞用)或
It is a little surprise to us (這個 little形容詞用)
It came to us as a little surprise
那個 bit 是可以不要的。
but er...we will try our 'breast'
to...er......still...try our 'breast' to...er.

not just to criticize the government policy 這段是連接上面try our best 的,問題不大,policy 用眾數的 policies 比較好。如果整段能說成try our best,(停一停) not just criticizing the government policies 就更得體了。

but also make some suggestions 那個 some 和 also 可以不要,可以說成 but we will make suggestions 。

to improve the people's living. 「改善民生」說成 to improve the people's living, 不能說他錯,但聽來有點突兀。可以說
to improve the quality of the people's living 或
to improve the people's living conditions
OK? 這裡聽來很不客氣,好像在說:「講完 嘞,得未丫?」我覺得在這個環境,講一聲Thank you,或笑一下點點頭,再望向其他記者,接受跟著的提問就可以了。

香港人講英文,很多時在一個陳述句的最末加一句 "OK?" 或 " You know?" 其實可省則省,真的要說的話,也要說得比較輕聲,不能有咄咄逼人的模樣。



