"傳道、授業、解惑"外還少了甚麼? What’s an educator’s job beyond teaching? 郭位 Way Kuo | |
當外國人作出突破性貢獻時,往往有人引經據典地聲稱:「那沒甚麼新奇,中國早就有了。」 要說某些概念在中國早就有了或許不無根據,問題是有了之後為甚麼難以為繼? 西方的研究精神與實踐可以稱得上「古已有之,於今為甚」,凡事都要問為甚麼,崇尚獨立思考和客觀批判。 | WHEN news comes of a breakthrough contribution made by foreigners, some Chinese people would respond by dismissing it as nothing new, citing ancient classics to claim that the same thing existed in China long, long ago. Such claims may have some validity, but the question remains why the ideas or concepts that sprouted early in China failed to grow and take root there. In the West, research – both in spirit and in practice – has been a time-honoured tradition, and is held in even higher regard today. It advocates enquiry into all phenomena through independent thinking and objective criticism. |
研究以事實為根據,目的在求知和創新。它的應用範疇不限於科學和技術,更涵括文藝和哲學。研究不止要落實於教育以充實教學內涵與教育改革,也要落實於企業經營和政府運作以提高效率。研究者應注重人性化,訂定明確的目標,為最多的人謀取最大的福利。 傳道、授業、解惑外,更要講求格物、致知,不但要嚴格落實於大學教育中,並且要從小做起,讓研究做為當代教育中主要的一環來極力推廣。 | Research is based on facts and aimed at seeking knowledge and innovation. It applies not only to science and technology, but also to the arts, humanities, and philosophy. Not only should research boost education by enriching materials for teaching and promoting education reforms, but it should also help to make business and government operations more efficient. Researchers should focus on human needs and set clear goals in their work for the maximum benefit of the largest majority. Educators, besides “promoting theories, imparting knowledge, and answering queries”, should encourage research, namely “the study of Nature’s phenomena to seek knowledge” as advised by ancient sages of China. Educators today should emphasize research not only in universities but also in schools for young kids, making it a key link in education of our modern times. |
英國不再是當年的 “the workshop of the world”,中國也不應永遠做「世界代工廠」。創新研究,正是發展的方向。中國快速脫離貧困落後,走向富裕文明;當今要務,是爭取除「中國製造」外,更發展出「中國創造」的轉變。 | Just as England today is no longer “the workshop of the world” it once was, so China should stop serving as “the OEM factory of the world”. The right way forward is to pursue research that leads to innovation. As China is fast shaking off poverty and backwardness to become a wealthy and more civilised society, it faces the tough task of adding the sign “Created in China” to the label “Made in China”. |
人類天性好奇,對天地萬象、人間諸事有求知的興趣;始則偶然發現,繼而有意探求,再後來,從事有計劃、成系統的研究,以求取知識。 當今全球化世紀,要求人類攜手解決共同面臨的問題。中國要做國際社會負責任的一員,不可不着眼於「問題導向」的研究。 | Curiosity, a human instinct, has always urged Man to find out about everything in Nature and all that happens in society. Over time, what started out as chance findings led to purposeful enquiries and finally to well-planned and systematic researches in quest of fresh and broader knowledge. The present era of globalisation requires that all mankind work together to address their common problems. To be a responsible member of the international community, China is duty-bound to focus on problem-driven researches. (Translated by Allen Zhuang) |
[原文與英譯文刊於香港城市大學網頁之“校長網誌” (2010-07-15). / Source text along with its English version was posted on “Way to Kuo Blog” of City University of Hong Kong website (2010-07-15). ] |
回覆刪除人性化, 為最多的人謀取最大的福利. (本人非常之認同)
回覆刪除人類天性好奇, 有求知的興趣. (本人也是這麼想, 特別是小朋友, 應該對每樣事物都更加有好奇心. 但是, 在八月初, 我們去上海世博專列七天遊的時候, 遇到一位十四歲的名校生. 我們在七天裏, 日夜相對, 一起食飯, 一起參觀, 我們很興奮地談各國展覽館如何如何, 就連在來回40多小時的火車上, 也是很快樂地講小朋友最愛的 I.Q. 題, 笑話, 學校, 大笑, 狂笑, 笑聲不斷. 他的表弟也多次放下游戲機, 來好奇問有甚麼好笑的東西? 可惜, 他一點好奇心也沒有, 只是埋首玩游戲機, 在七天裏, 除了我捉住他問高錕的話, 他連七句說話也好像沒有講過. 善霖觀察入微, 他說: 名校哥哥只是看住游戲機, 連父母也沒有望一眼, 真是可惜.)
回覆刪除這是否全篇文章撮錄,因為以英文標題,愚以為"What's educator's job beyond teaching" 除了教學重任,教育學者還須兼顧其他範疇!
「 ....單看中文傳譯,不能明其大意 」....那是英譯中的工作做得不好之故了。
回覆刪除唔夠quali睇 :(
回覆刪除Chris, 佢係Dr Allen Tse, 負責一個sub degree學部的。
回覆刪除今年同往年我都有去聽他主持的公開翻譯講座. 今年兩場其中一場係字幕翻譯, 佢自己主講,內容充實,仲講得生動有趣,沒有悶場。不過, 我最欣賞係佢如何介紹另一場講者,該場係法律翻譯,講者是位業內人士,三十出頭的年青人。Dr Tse 說佢自己參加Open U 法律翻譯比賽,得了亞軍, 而冠軍就是那位年輕女士。
Rosa Leung (Hong Kong)
回覆刪除但署名是Allen Zhuang.....
Dear Mr Leung,
回覆刪除My great thanks for your very kind words about my translation, which I would take as encouragement.
I am not working at HKU (港大), but at CityU of HK (香港城大). My work involves translation, editing, and writing. Translating and writing for the President (author of that blog piece) is part of my job duties. In addition to office work, I teach translation (mostly at CityU, but at other universities too) as part-time lecturer.
Dr Alan Tse (謝聰博士) teaches translation and interpreting at Community College of City University of HK, which is affliated with CityU. He is particularly expert in translating TV and movie subtitles, and has done a lot for HK- and foreign-made movies that Hongkongers enjoy watching.
Allen sir,
回覆刪除Rosa Leung