菲律賓人質事件中,梁錦榮(Kenneth Leung)一家五口三人遇害。梁錦榮是遲我一年(1977)畢業的港大校友,上星期五舊生會到屯門醫院探望過梁太太Amy,以下是舊生會的訊息:
Message from HKU Alumni Office
We are all heartbroken with Alumnus Ken Leung's tragic death and the passing away of his two daughters. Many alumni, from Toronto and Sydney and all over the world, have asked to send their regards to Mrs Amy Leung, and her son Jason who is still in ICU. The Industrial Engineering Class of 77 representatives would like to report the following, and let's all pray for Jason's speedy recovery.
"From Dennis Ng, Industrial Engineering 77:
My wife Winnie and I joined the HKU representatives comprising Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof Chow Shew-ping, Ms Bernadette Tsui and Ms Janice Chan in visiting Amy in the Tuen Mun Hospital in the morning of Friday, Aug 27.
To our relief, Amy looked good despite a long night to stand by Jason who had surgery operation shortly after return from the Philippines. Very impressively, she seems to be capable to keep calm in this stressful situation, and know perfectly well what she is doing. She went even further to wish for all of us and the community to leave the tragic memories behind and look to a brighter future.
We told her alumni from far and wide have wanted to bring her warmest wishes and support (Winnie took the opportunity to bring also regards from the teachers, students and parents of HKMA Li Kwok Po College which was Jason and Jessie's mother school). She appreciates the words and gestures made towards her and Jason by everyone, including the general public, and the memorial service that took place in Ng Wah College on Thursday (I handed her the programme). We also told her we have set up a scholarship in memory of Ken in the University's IMSE (Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering) since Ken was very supportive to the Department. We all miss him.
Ken's younger sister is staying with Amy in the hospital and we can see the good support of both Ken and Amy's family in coping with their sufferings together.
We didn't visit Jason but were met by Dr Fong To-sang, Chief of Neuro-surgery who flew to Manila to bring Jason home and now looks after him with meticulous care. (Dr Fong entered HKU in the same year as we and Ken did.) Many other staff in the hospital are around to help with the numerous urgent and varied needs, and they come forward not only with their professionalism but also enthusiasm and heart. Professor Yuen Kwok-yung is also there. The Government is 100% behind with organised efforts. Jason is in very good hands.
Let us pray for Jason and Amy. May Ken, Doris and Jessie rest in peace."
so sorry and sad to hear. I read the news on the newspaper, seem like tourists are the innocent target of those criminal acts. I pay my sympathy to your friend and her family.
回覆刪除Life is just so short.....
敷衍塞責,有錯不認,never learn from mistakes,但死要面子,是這個水平的國家的共相了。
回覆刪除發生了已成事實, 感激所有支持梁太的人, 感激chris讓我們知道梁太情況 ... 不管我們曾經或繼續對我們的香港政府不滿, 但經過今次... 實在覺得我們的政府還真很好....
菲律賓一向都是貪污腐敗,記得好多年前我跟團去旅遊時, 去到d旅遊景點見到d著住警服陀住長鎗嘅警察, 我哋去同佢影張相,影完相後佢就笑笑口問我哋買唔買鎗? 買唔買手扣? 警章? d手扣仲拈出嚟比我哋睇, 仲有d手指公手扣! 總言之, 喺佢身上面陀住d乜都話買得比你哋! 要買多d都得, 記憶中價錢仲唔係好貴咋! 我d朋友當時話手扣係唔可以帶出境, 香港係犯法架! 你話係咪好恐怖! 乜都話賣得比你, 所以今次剩係話個魔警被炒魷, 就連要同魔警攞番支長鎗都要攞幾次, 仲係攞唔番咁離譜(係公物嚟吖嘛)! 上樑不正下樑歪! 咁就知菲律賓政府根本係幾咁超冇用同貪污腐敗, 最攪笑個低能政府仲解釋話自己憤怒同開心都係會笑, 佢真係唔講好過講, 咁白痴嘅說話虧佢講得出口, 求祈講d乜嘢都係癈嘅, 真係要驗吓腦 好重精神病!
in result of a completely fiasco op planning,HK lost 9 lives and broken families.The Philippe Govt,not the people, can not erase their responsibility whatsoever.
回覆刪除The swat team....no swtf 電腦潮語
seriously, what the fuck they are!