2013年4月17日 星期三







1. 民主不是「世界上最好」的制度。

2. 民主不一定能夠使國家強大。

3. 食飯和搵錢比一切都重要。

4. 外國「亡我中國之心不死」,中國人受苦受夠了。

5. 中國有了錢,強大了,能和大國平起平坐,中國才不會受到外國欺凌。

6. 中國有獨特的國情,行了帝制幾千年,中國人慣了被人管,不應馬上有民主,否則會亂,亂就會無飯吃。

7. 一般中國人的水平還低,容易受人唆擺;給他們普選的話,不知道會選甚麼代表出來。

8. 歐美各國懼怕和妒忌中國強大,會把他們比下去,所以儘量壓制中國,不惜用種種手段圍堵。

9. 現在香港有人爭取民主的活動,是串同外國、別有用心的搗亂行為,目的是添中國的麻煩。

10. 香港素來不曾在英國人統治下有過民主,現在爭取甚麼?

11. 英國人臨走前開展所謂代議政制,是他們素來交還殖民地時的慣技,是刻意搞亂香港的陰謀,要向歷史證明,「香港無佢地實唔惦」。

12. 香港人乖乖的,不要激嬲阿爺,阿爺然會給你們多一點自由;你越嘈,阿爺越不高興,原本應承了俾你的,都會收返!


21 則留言:

  1. Stephen, I don't have any feeling about 'ashamed to be Chinese' because I am a HongKonger, I have NEVER EVER been a Chinese.

  2. I understand where you are coming from, but I want to think the current situation is only temporarily in the grand scheme of history.

    I hope one day a real modern "China" would connect the Chinese people with the rest of the world not just in economics, but also in culture, ideas, beliefs, humanities, and civics. I like to think Hong Kong is the catalyst of this process.

  3. Raymond上午9:15


  4. "康狂牙", 好呀 ! "China" "Chinese" 呢D名詞根本俾人騎劫左, 特別是近十幾二十年, "Chinese"個品牌愈做愈衰, 變成fxxkingchinese, 都係劃清界線好D

  5. 「愛港」一族的簡單邏輯,可有藥醫乎? Actually, i don't think so.

  6. 非常同意,容我加多一項,就是集中放大及醜化自由世界少數人所犯的惡事,但故意忽略極權統治者影響深遠滅絕人性的壞事。他們的歪理就是「鬼佬一樣有壞人 不要針對我們呀」,他們就是不能分辯壞事的嚴重程度,數量,影響的深遠,簡單來說就是大小便不分。

    hi fiving

  7. 宣傳機器及愛國愛黨教育的洗腦能力是極其厲害的, 謊言說上百遍就會在許多愚民腦袋裏成為真理, 牢不可破, 假若你指正愚民的錯誤想法, 愚民說不定跟你拚老命.

  8. 民主不是「世界上最好」的制度。----->傻的嗎 , 民主是人類文明史中, 發展出來「最好的政治制度」

    民主不一定能夠使國家強大。----->傻的嗎 , 國家強大同人民幸福生活有什麼關係 ?

    食飯和搵錢比一切都重要。----->做奴隸一樣有錢搵, 搵到的錢o岩o岩夠食飯, 餓死了你, 你的老闆損失仲大

    1. 1.你只係講緊民主係目前最好既制度 但人地係講緊既係所有制度(包括未發現的)中最好個種

      2.可以無關啊 美國都有好多問題啊 但係愛港人冇扯埋幸福生活黎講啊

  9. Those are the common excuses that hinder the development of HK. Chris and readers, let's start to formulate and contribute a few counter arguments of what we think is true against those excuses. I hate hearing that so often from my friends and families. I just don't have the political wisdom and knowledge to make them acknoweledge those excuses are lame and wrong.


  10. 現在大陸官員就係好似「愛」族所講只識揾食揾錢,公款大吃大喝,如最近報道官員每年花掉百億元在飲食旅遊。揾錢就不擇手段,除貪污外尙官商勾結強逼農民賤買賣土地,而他們則中飽私嚢,這些人就不會要求民主。如果「愛」族覺得如此做法是對的話,中國就無希望,做不做中國人也罷。

  11. 當年老毛是利用這種盲從起家。可能是阿爺的組織,是呢班友現時的職業。

  12. Rosemary 的提議很好,大家不妨集思廣益,逐條抽秤。

  13. 外國「亡我中國之心不死」,中國人受苦受夠了。----->

    中國人受苦, 是因為身在中國, 奶粉都冇啖好食, 成功竄到外國的, 便脫苦海了

    外國「亡我中國之心不死」, 他們才不會這麼傻, 「中國亡了」, 十幾億中國人四散逃亡, 全世界也吃不消

  14. 中國有了錢,強大了,能和大國平起平坐,中國才不會受到外國欺凌。----->

    但不會受到外國欺凌的中國, 為什麼還割了那麼多土地給俄羅斯 ?

  15. 現在香港有人爭取民主的活動,是串同外國、別有用心的搗亂行為,目的是添中國的麻煩。----->

    為什麼民主的活動, 在中國會做成麻煩, 在外國會做成良好的社會環境 ?

  16. 聽大班的D100, 傳聞陳淨心是有香港 ID Card 但住在深圳的


  17. 對於此總結不能再贊同更多

  18. //Rosemary 的提議很好,大家不妨集思廣益,逐條抽秤。// Sigh!! If those 真心膠 would listen...
    Anyway, I'll try a bit. Hope more people jump in.

    // 7. 一般中國人的水平還低,容易受人唆擺;給他們普選的話,不知道會選甚麼代表出來。//
    普選: it's not necessary that people are 水平高, especially when it just begins. Even today many people in the US are not that 水平高. That's how we got Georgia W Bush a few years back. 不知道會選甚麼代表出來 isn't really a problem. We limit the number of terms one can hold his/her office. (To limit the adverse effect if it happens.) 不知道會選甚麼代表出來 could be better than 肯定那些 leaders 出來, but they aren't elected by the people.

    //5. 中國有了錢,強大了,能和大國平起平坐,中國才不會受到外國欺凌。//
    有錢 isn't everything. China was very rich before, much richer than many western countries. Then what happened?

    //3. 食飯和搵錢比一切都重要。//
    Yeah, right. More important than breathing and drinking.

    //1. 民主不是「世界上最好」的制度。 //
    Winston Churchill said, (from W. Wong's Blog 魚之樂)
    "No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

    //10. 香港素來不曾在英國人統治下有過民主,現在爭取甚麼?//
    爭取甚麼? 民主 lor! Who say that 曾經有過,才可爭取?

    //12. 香港人乖乖的,不要激嬲阿爺,阿爺自然會給你們多一點自由;你越嘈,阿爺越不高興,原本應承了俾你的,都會收返!//
    //你越嘈,阿爺越不高興,原本應承了俾你的,都會收返.// That's why we want 民主. We don't want a government that can do whatever it wants.
    //不要激嬲阿爺,阿爺自然會給你們多一點自由.// That's wishful thinking. It's probably not like that. Even if it's the case, refer to the point I've made above: We don't want a government that can do whatever it wants.

    //6. 中國有獨特的國情,行了帝制幾千年,中國人慣了被人管,不應馬上有民主,否則會亂,亂就會無飯吃。//
    馬上? How? 民主 is a process. You can 馬上 start 民主. But it takes a long time to get it on track. It takes the US 200+ years to have something like what it is today.
    //否則會亂// Not necessarily. Things can get better. 會亂 is probably because 阿爺 doesn't let us have 民主. If he (it) lets us, it will probably be fine.
    //亂就會無飯吃// Not necessarily. But we don't need to argue this point. See the argument against //否則會亂//.

    //2. 民主不一定能夠使國家強大。//
    食飯不一定能夠長生不老 (or 使肌肉強壯.) (But you say "食飯比一切都重要。" )
    Or use another analogy: taking medicines 不一定能夠 cure diseases. You don't take medicines when you're sick?

    //9. 現在香港有人爭取民主的活動,是串同外國、別有用心的搗亂行為,目的是添中國的麻煩。//
    串同外國? If you don't have any solid evidence, you'd better give them the benefit of the doubt and not accuse them. If your (legal) system isn't like that, then a democratic system is probably better than yours. That's one of the reasons why many people want democracy.

    //8. 歐美各國懼怕和妒忌中國強大,會把他們比下去,所以儘量壓制中國,不惜用種種手段圍堵。//
    不惜用種種手段? Did they use nuclear bombs already?
    As for all these accusations, again, see my comment about "the benefit of the doubt" above in #9.

    //4. 外國「亡我中國之心不死」,中國人受苦受夠了。//
    How does this have anything to do with striving for democracy?
    As for 外國「亡我中國之心, see my comment about "the benefit of the doubt" above in #9.

    #11: I am not familiar with the British system that much. So, I won't say anything about it. As for //刻意搞亂香港的陰謀//, again, see my comment about "the benefit of the doubt" above in #9.

    1. //3. 食飯和搵錢比一切都重要。// When I wrote the comment on this one above, I was impatient. A better answer to it is like: 想食飯,要民主(煮),不要阿爺主! --zpdrmn

  19. 咁米講多無為, 食多會滯囉, man!!
