2013年3月7日 星期四






書,要介紹的話,我以前讀的古典 Pride and Prejudice之類,是有點過時了,不妨就讀現在的Harry Potter,不是追情節的快讀,而是慢慢讀。作者J.K.Rowling是讀Classics出身,識幾國語言,英文一定不差。一集就有幾百頁,有排你睇。

也可以看優秀的英漢對照書來合參,如林語堂譯的「浮生六記」;又如現代英譯的新約聖經,我喜歡Revised Standard Version。

你做學生,要寫論文交功課,我會建議你看看哲學家Bertrand Russell(他得過諾貝爾文學獎),看他怎樣說道理。先看他的 The Conquest of Happiness。


15 則留言:

  1. 最好是選自己最熟識和最有興趣的內容,這樣會省却很多查字典的時間。

    1. 對,一開始不須攻堅,由淺入深。

  2. Raymond上午9:33


    1. 很失禮,脫節了。
      20世紀英國文學我讀的不多,只讀到毛姆和一點點的James Joyce和D.H. Lawrence。

    2. Maybe, you can try to read 石黑一雄Kazuo Ishiguro.
      I was impressed by his novel Never let me go. It was made into a movie.

      The apple daily has a prose about him.


      讀者的職責無非是閱讀,我看書盡量看原文,只能看譯文的時候,十分挑剔版本,如找不到合適中譯,就看英譯、法譯。翻譯,不是google translate,單把字詞從原文轉移至目標語文就成。除了音義合一的轉換,或翻譯理論裏常說的信雅達這些原則,我覺得還有一個很難做到卻常給忽略的要點,正是原著文字在該語言系統裏的位置。

      電郵 :mcwriter@appledaily.com

    3. If you like American writers, Paul Auster is also a good choice. His English is very precise.


    4. 多謝Timmy資料,這方面你比我知道得多。
      石黑一雄的作品,我只看過改編為電影的The Remains of the Day,十分高超。

  3. If anyone doesn't agree with me, just tell me. Watching televsion drama and listening to songs can help you build up your sense of rhythm. This sense is very important to sencond language leraners as most of us always have trouble pronuncing the words while reading a book. As Chris says, "寫得好的英文,除了好看,還一定注重音節,鏗鏘可誦。"

    1. 反覆聽女王聖誕文告也好,Youtube上有很多。

  4. Damn, there is no hope for me to better my English then. I don't read books much, let alone fictions or anything to do with literature. Bible? Forget about it. Too long. (But I read a Book, a short one, in it recently.) News? Even worse. I read news in Chinese mostly. When I have the mood for (listening to, not reading) local news, usually I am multitasking. The news is like background music. --zpdrmn

    1. You can buy a kindle and let it read the English books to you.

    2. 沒有Kindle,Youtube也有,如
      http://www.youtube.com/user/audiobooksfree (美國音)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcksTYT0LkM (英國音)

  5. To XX學弟(I don't know how to address you...):

    Suddenly thought of it while bathing.

    If you want to concentrate on improving your writing first, actually there are some good reference books in the market. I don't know whether you are familiar with stephen cheung 張五常. He always likes to recommend "The element of style" for his students. He talked about it a lot in his prose. In my opinion, this book is very useful to science students as it explains clearly what you should do, what you should not do. But not very useful to Arts students, especially to literature stream students, as it does not deal with improving your tone of speech. If you want to refine your writing skills, "The New Oxford Guide to Writing" is a very good reference. It addresses a lot of questions about writing. I bought it at first not for improving writing but for learning how to use punctuation marks. It has a chapter explaning this aspect. Most of the Chinese speakers do not pay attention to this critical aspect. Chinese is a language with rhythm, but without punctuation marks. If we, Chinese speakers, really wants to understand the sentence logic of English, this is the part we have to work hard on.

    Hope I can help you.

  6. 幾年前去美國讀書時經常被 professors 批評我的英語。幾年下來,「傳情」老老實實依然做不到,「達意」倒有些看法可以分享:

    Say, many words in the first sentence can be removed without hurting the ideas. How about this: “If you want to improve your writing, there are some good reference books in the market.”

    二, 句子的主詞要連貫些.
    Say, the first sentence may be rewritten as “If you want to improve your writing, you may find some good reference books in the market.”

    三,注意 preposition:
    He always recommends "The element of style" TO his students.

    四,小心 pronoun. A pronoun should be close to the noun it refers to.
    In “this book is very useful to science students as it explains … ”, the “it” reads as “science students”, not “this book”.

    If you want to improve your writing, you may find some good reference books in the market. I don't know whether you are familiar with stephen cheung 張五常. He always recommends "The element of style" to his students. In my opinion, this book explains clearly what you should and should not do, and is very useful to science students. But I think the book is not very useful to Arts students, especially to literature stream students, as the book does not deal with tone of speech. Another good reference is "The New Oxford Guide to Writing". I bought it not for improving writing but for learning to use punctuation marks. The Chinese language is a language of rhythm without the use of punctuation marks. If we, Chinese speakers, want to understand the sentence logic of English, we have to work on punctuation marks.

    五,Key terms 用字或者要特別小心。”Sentence logic of English” seems weird. Although the Chinese word “邏輯” can be used to describe a language, the English word “logic” often restricted to describe the science of reasons. Does “sentence logic of English” mean “usage”, “semantics” or “grammar structure” of the English language?


    1. Thank you for the amendment. Didn't have time to proofread it.
