2010年4月23日 星期五
小時已經聽到大人掛在嘴唇邊的諺語: 「忠忠直直,終須乞食」;還有下句:「奸奸狡狡,朝魚晚炒」。這是相當犬儒的人生觀,不過事實又是如此。
忠直的性格,在現在的社會環境,的確容易吃虧。我的忠直性格是父親遺傳的,沒得改,所以我一輩子沒有想過從商,也從來不作炒賣投機和 「走法律罅」的搵錢活動。
我知道很多華人移民外國,還留下產業和存款在原居地,這個本來是 「狡兔三窟」,留下退路的安排,不能說是不對;但是把國外的收入當作不存在,完全不上報當地稅局,似乎是通例,「查到至算喇!」那就有犯刑事罪行之嫌了,我不會這樣,因為真的不敢。
有些大陸來的年老移民,內地每月發的退休金留在大陸,不匯出來也不報稅,不時回去花 掉享受幾個月,但是在澳洲就拿Pension(其實等於香港的「公援」,兩夫婦一個月可以領千餘澳元),我認識一對退休的大陸退休教授夫婦,平日在澳洲省 吃儉用,幾年下來,有本事儲蓄起幾萬澳元!
有一個前香港高級公務員,香港政府給他的退休酬金 一大筆,和每月領取的養老金,直接過數存入香港的銀行,這邊不向稅局報稅;每年回香港時提取現鈔親身「解款」回澳洲用,神不知鬼不覺。聽說,很多同僚都是這樣。
我想,澳洲政府只是未動手,不等於永遠不理,要查你的話真是易如反掌----你的公務 員的身分,在申請時移民時紀錄在案,香港政府的退休金制度又不是甚麼國家機密。你不報,到你領了三幾年後,澳洲政府發一張例行公文,要你重新 Confirm現在有沒有海外收入,你敢簽下去說「沒有」嗎?澳洲政府可以唔聲唔聲,發一張Memo給香港政府公務員事務局,你現在每個月拿多少錢馬上東 窗事發了----瞞稅的刑罰是稅要補交兼人要坐監,問你怕未?
我的退休金,一早要求香港政府 按月存入我在澳洲的銀行戶口,無花無假,不怕人查,還第一時間報稅。收到評稅單後,其實離最後限期還有數月,我也不等了,馬上全數繳交。正是財散人安樂, 這筆錢當作沒有落過袋好了。
仲有Lee D 例子!足以顯示澳洲司法如何腐敗!!!!!
Geoff Wegg 及成隊Bax 葷案人員真慘!!! 賠多多錢都沒用!!!! 新洲政府真係PK 陷XX!!!
Article: UK law on miscarriages of justice
回覆刪除Article: USA law on miscarriages of justice
On 19 December 2007 Philip Cornford of the Sydney Morning Herald reported “Wrongly accused detectives get $10 million”.
He said the dawn raid on "The Untouchables" of Task Force Bax was trumpeted as a huge blow against corrupt detectives, but 10 years later it has been exposed as a farce, with nine former detectives winning damages believed to be in excess of $10 million from the NSW Government. Chief among them is the taskforce commander, former Superintendent Geoff Wegg, 65, whose aggressive leadership against drug dealers and standover men in Kings Cross made Bax a highly feared and elite unit, in 18 months arresting 80 criminals, including 20 for offences carrying life jail sentences.
But Mr Wegg was among 14 Bax detectives arrested and charged following a surprise dawn raid on their Kings Cross headquarters on Friday, October 24, 1997. Amid suspicions that some were too closely associated with the drug dealers they were supposed to be hunting, the then police commissioner, Peter Ryan, personally supervised the raid by Internal Affairs detectives. Flanked by senior commanders, Mr Ryan told a media conference that this was the beginning of the end of the flagrant police corruption which had been exposed a year earlier by the Police Royal Commission and which led to his appointment. It also signalled the end for Task Force Bax, but the beginning of a long fight for its wrongly accused detectives.
For nine of them, the amount of compensation agreed in mediation before the former NSW chief justice Sir Laurence Street is confidential, and Mr Wegg and the other successful litigants will not discuss it. It is believed to be the biggest payout in police history. Mr Wegg dryly told the Herald yesterday: "We didn't get what we deserved and we didn't get what we asked for. But we walked away with a satisfactory result."
Originally, 12 former Bax officers each sought $750,000 compensation in the District Court in 2001. But with the passage of time, the amount increased. Nine of them took the action to the Supreme Court, seeking unlimited damages, claiming they had been negligently treated and falsely imprisoned, and demanded compensation for wages lost in the ensuing 10 years. The other Bax officers who were litigants are former detective sergeants Paul Tuxford, Raymond Lambie, Stuart Taylor and Andrew Lock, former detective senior constables David Rope, Rodney Matheson and Ian Campbell, and former detective Michael King.