2010年1月20日 星期三
近一兩個月來,澳洲鬧得沸沸揚揚的,是印度移民「受襲」事件。事緣稍前一名已經有永久居留身分的印度青年,晚上在墨爾本工作地點Hungry Jack's餐廳附近的公園被殺。本地的印度人團體,包括印度留學生協會,把事件提升到有人選定印度人來襲擊的層次。上星期,又有一名印度的士司機,給兩個醉酒白人乘客追打的案件。
澳洲當局,包括州警務處長甚至總理,都說上述不過是個別事件,不承認是故意因受害人的族裔而作的攻擊行為。(後記:今日改了口 http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/20/2797173.htm)
印度人的士司機:這個問題最嚴重,前文「越來越差的澳洲的士業 」談過了。相信很多人在路上開車,都有遇到不守規則的印度裔司機的不愉快經驗。
大公司顧客服務中心:打電話給服務機構如電話公司,被接駁到印度的Call Centre去,由操濃濁印度口音的人接聽,跟他們溝通很吃力。
不請自來的直銷電話:十之八九是印度的Call Centre打來,令人十分厭惡。
回覆刪除October 30, 2009
Two front court over Corey Siemers' death
Updated Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:06pm AEST
Two alleged drag racers have appeared in the Adelaide Magistrates Court charged with causing the death of footballer Corey Siemers.
The West Adelaide junior was killed while driving his car at Park Holme in June.
24-year-old Vinay Kamar Singh and 18-year-old Christopher Thomas Spurling Janes are jointly charged with causing death by dangerous driving and misusing a motor vehicle by racing.
Police allege they were drag racing along Marion Road when Singh's car crashed into Corey Siemers' car, killing him.
Janes left the scene before handing himself into police a few days later.
He is also facing charges of leaving an accident scene after causing death.
His curfew conditions were lifted during a brief court appearance.
Both men will return to court in October.
有時我們很難怪何印度人頻頻被打及針對, 因為從此二事看出, 正是我巴基斯坦friend 講, 印度的新一代青少年(80, 90後)太不知所謂了!!
October 30, 2009
不斷的發抖 等到我的roomate Carol回來
我的oz朋友們之前一直說印度人在澳洲一直是trouble maker
Accused death racers face court Jordanna Schriever, Court Reporter From: AdelaideNow August 12, 2010 4:00PM Increase Text SizeDecrease Text SizePrintEmail Share
Add to DiggAdd to del.icio.usAdd to FacebookAdd to KwoffAdd to MyspaceAdd to NewsvineWhat are these? Vinay Kamar Singh at the Adelaide Magistrates Court. Source: AdelaideNow
Christopher Thomas Spurling Janes at the Adelaide Magistrates Court Source: AdelaideNow
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TWO alleged street racers accused of causing the death of teenage footballer Corey Siemers appeared in court for the first time today.
The West Adelaide under 18 player was killed as he was turning his car on to Marion Rd at Park Holme on June 12.
Vinay Kamar Singh, 24, of Renown Park, and Christopher Thomas Spurling Janes, 18, of Ascot Park, are jointly charged over the alleged race that ended in the fatal smash.
Both men have been charged with causing death by dangerous driving and misusing a motor vehicle by racing.
Police will allege the men were racing along Marion Rd when Singh's Holden Commodore crashed into Siemers' Mitsubishi Magna.
Janes allegedly fled the scene, handing himself in to police three days later.
回覆刪除其實澳洲政府/警隊應付這種印度及其他國際留學生近年來在頻頻遇襲的風朝, 除修攻加强法例外, 要重新成立兩隊澳洲警隊以前CIB(Criminal Investigation Bureau)精銳的重案組(Major Crime Squad),及Consorting Squad!Consorting Squad乃是¥支反黑組,在1920-30年代Razor Gang 猖厥橫行年代成立來對付Razor Gang 的, 效果非常有效. 此Consorting Squad一直用來壓制各種幫派的成長(包轉三合會, 黑手黨, 電單車黨),兼避免各種有案底的罪犯互相勾結.
回覆刪除"There used to be consorting laws used against criminals when I was growing up. Consorting meant that any two people who had criminal records could not be seen keeping company. But, sad to say, the PC-er's changed all that and put the kid gloves on the law, or was it to protect the crims occupying parliament at the time ?"
consorting laws的定義
"Non-association laws have been around in this country at least since the 1920s. As with the new anti-biker laws, South Australia led the way in 1928 when that state made it an offence to 'consort' with certain specified classes of undesirables.
Consorting laws became a blueprint for similar legislation in NSW in 1929, and were later introduced in Queensland and Victoria in 1931, Tasmania in 1935, and Western Australia in 1955."
但在80年代末致90年代初,澳洲警隊的Consorting Squad 及(Major Crime Squad)已遭解散, 皆因爆出有嚴重的貪污醜聞!!若果此=隊今天仍存在, 今天澳洲的治安可能仍然好及壓制各種幫派的成長,包括中東人, 亞洲幫派及電單車黨!
此是其中←名貪污的Consorting Squad 探員
'The consorting squad certainly doesn’t exist any more in Victoria. The lack of such a squad was partly responsible for the lapse in criminal intelligence gathering that failed to detect the growth and spread of the organised crime networks involved in the gangland war. "
'Keith all they have to do is bring the Summary Offences Act and the Consorting Act, as it was back in the 70's and the 80's before the Labour Party Civil Libertarians came to power and neutered the Police Forces around the Country."
"I remember when we still had consorting laws where cops could see two criminals, on a consorting register, and once seen associating with enough criminals on enough occassions, got arrested. The penalty was crap, but at least that was something. Perhaps the consorting laws could be bought back and enhanced with greater penaties???"
"The Consorting Squad was disbanded nearly two decades ago and with it went vast amounts of intelligence on who was who in the criminal zoo. Fast forward to 2003 and it took the Purana Taskforce more than a year to bring Melbourne’s gangland war under control. A dozen or more people died unnecessarily, even if the public were fascinated by the spectacle.
但我懷疑能否實現, 否則THE JOB IS FUCKED 仍是事實!!!!!!
回覆刪除印度及其他國際留學生近年來在頻頻遇襲還有背後的社會問題:日益惡化青少年犯罪, 失業, 吸毒,失學,缺乏家教等問題!!
回覆刪除此乃數名在 The Age 對一名印度writer寫墨市成暴力城市的回應:
"It's not a racial problem, it's a skills and numbers problem.
When no students (none, zero, from Sudan, China, India, England) get automatic citizenship, the problem will just go away.
Angry people abound, of all ages in all industries, seeing 'their' jobs taken by cheaper and less competent labour. From
privatised pathology labs to building sites, work is being done in an unsafe and life threatening manner by all sorts of
folk that have qualifications that meet a government regulation - designed to attract these people to the country. But in
practice the qualification is a useful as a ballroom dancing certificate. And lives are and will be lost because of bad
building practice and wrong pathology reports, and every profession in between.
People are angry, bloody angry, primarily at stupid government regulations that encourage unskilled people to do
skilled jobs at cheap rates. But they can't hit 'the government', so a few of them hit out at innocent bystanders caught
in the rage. There are simply too many new people from too many places doing too many dumb things, on the roads, in the workplace, in the human crush that is Melbourne, as desired by politicians remote from the country they live in.
Regardless of people's comments on both sides, the issue is not if Australia is racist even though the foundation was
initially based on race. The question is about if the attacks are race related and yes a lot of them are and it has been
going on for the last 3 years. I know one of them was in coma for days two years ago."
" One of the guys commenting about Indian gangs, if it was the case then they would be carrying baseball bats, knives
etc with them. Don't single out Indians staring at others. There are others who do too."
"India and Australia do have much in common. Increasingly the large gap between rich and poor. While very sympathetic to the
Indian students I would like to see an Indian writer once mention the problems facing Australian born youth. Skyrocketing
youth employment, low wages, casualised labour, the most expensive housing in the whole world, and difficulties accessing
education opportunities. There are some real social issues facing young Australians. No analysis from a representative of
Indian students is worthy without acknowledging that many of our Australian youth are struggling. I havent heard it happen
once in all that has been said and I find it wrong that this writer nowhere mentions the social problems facing Australian
youth. Nor why when there is so much youth unemployment amongst Australian citizens, jobs she talks of are filled by Indian
students. These crimes are a reflection of serious social problems and a serious disconnection from society among elements
of the youth to whom society is offering nothing. At the same time a few people get rich from importing foreign students.
It is time for Indian writers to acknow
ledge that this massive influx of students competing with our young citizens for scarce housing and employment has created
social problems. A recent survey said that Australia economically is one of the most unequal societies on earth. When you
worsen this by importing hundreds of thousands of foreign students, you have to expect social problems. The race thing is
largely nonsense. I dont believe it. The resentment comes from jobs and housing being taken by foreign students while
Australian youth are left on the dole queues and stressing about the rent and their future. Its not the Indian students
fault - its the people who brought them here with no housing and scarce jobs for Australian youth."
Chris對要重新成立兩隊澳洲警隊以前CIB(Criminal Investigation Bureau)精銳的重案組及Consorting Squad是否可以應付日益惡化的澳洲治安及壓制印度及其他國際留學生近年來在頻頻遇襲的風朝?但我會有一定成效!因為在似前(20-80年代)重案組及Consorting Squad有了各總警區的流氓, 各種幫派,罪犯, 童黨,雞頭及妓院的資料/情報及互相勾結, 糾黨!而Consorting Squad更可在馬場,妓院,及洒吧及disco/夜總會等突襲及巡邏, 以便去尋是否有 流氓, 各種幫派,罪犯, 童黨,雞頭聚集兼搜尋是否有兩個或以上的有案底的人聚集, 若果發現有的話,Consorting Squad即刻可以以 Consorting act或Summary Offences Act 來charge 你Consorting (即是幫派,罪犯, 童黨,雞頭互相勾結, 糾黨罪)
回覆刪除但因為70-80年代,因為澳洲各洲警隊重案組及Consorting Squad頻爆貪污醜聞(多名重案組及Consorting Squad探員變相與幫派,罪犯, 童黨,雞頭,妓女熟耳各兼陷X與幫派,罪犯, 童黨,雞頭,妓女等勾結兼貪污包庇受賄,在加上公眾政治正確及人權意識大大抬頭, 所以澳洲各洲警隊高層及政府驚起上來向公眾壓力屈服, 洲警隊高層及政府在80年代末致90年代末解散重案組及Consorting Squad!!以致澳洲治安開始惡化, 再加F澳洲各洲FUCKING 警隊高層及政府(公眾)一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草繩.而拒絕重新成立重案組及Consorting Squad(因為警隊高層唔知否太不肯去大力改善對重案組及Consorting Squad的監管), 以及大力執行Consorting act或Summary Offences Act!!所以那班當年決定解散重案組及Consorting Squad的陷家X警隊高層及政府絕對要為解散重案組及Consorting Squad付上責任!
Chris 你的看法
回覆刪除此是前任NSW警隊沙展Mark Fenlon 講 Consorting act或Summary Offences Act的定義及為何現今警隊高層及政府不肯重新大力執行此=法!!
回覆刪除Mr Fenlon—No, it is not the intent of the legislation. The intent of the legislation is not to confiscate knives from people who have them for lawful purposes or who do not intend to use them in an offensive or threatening manner. Tradesmen carry Stanley knives. Do we arrest all tradesmen? This is how ludicrous it has become. It has become a chase for statistics rather than the application of the legislation in the spirit in which it was intended. It was intended to keep our gangs—those who demonstrate antisocial behaviour on a regular basis—under control and
give us power to seize these objects, if they exist in any case. Under the Summary Offences Act there was a specific offence—it is rarely used now—of carrying a cutting implement. You could charge an individual with carrying a cutting implement if the person had committed another offence—whether it be offensive conduct or offensive language—when you arrested the person for antisocial behaviour. When you arrested the person for antisocial behaviour, or for any offence, you would conduct a search on this person. If your search located a knife or a sharp
implement or an implement that could hurt somebody—and it was not confined to knives; it
could be anything from nunchakus to knuckledusters—you charged them with an additional
charge. The provision was there under the Summary Offences Act. I think this legislation is
pretty much—
CHAIR—Would that allow you to break up unruly gang behaviour by an arrest under the
Summary Offences Act?
Mr Fenlon—Yes. Most of these gangs use colourful metaphors in their speech when you
approach them. That provides the basis, if you like, for an arrest or prosecution for offensive
CHAIR—I had some discussions at Scotland Yard in London, whereby it was said that the act
of arrest is a useful took in controlling street crime.
Mr Fenlon—Absolutely.
CHAIR—You believe that totally?
Mr Fenlon—Absolutely. It has been my experience, over 20 years, that where you have a
large group of individuals—it does not matter how many, really—involved in antisocial
behaviour, the action of arresting individuals is generally sufficient to disperse the remainder and
send a clear message that, if you hang around in this particular vicinity and you continue to
behave in this manner, you are looking at a blue taxi ride back to a police station.
That is the strategy I employed quite regularly. It worked. I saw police officers, who were my
mentors and role models in relation to the application of legislation, use that. To clean up our
local streets we did that. All you need is the legislative power to do it. It came under the
Summary Offences Act as offensive conduct. You arrested an individual for throwing a bottle on
the ground and smashing it or using language—whatever the case may be—and within minutes
the situation was generally under control. It was diffused and you could send this person off on
his merry way back to the police station and he was charged and went before the court.
CHAIR—If my mind serves me correctly, the Summary Offences Act was got rid of when
回覆刪除Frank Walker was the Attorney-General.
Mr Fenlon—It was before I joined.
CHAIR—I think that was the period.
Mr Fenlon—It was replaced by the Offences in Public Places Act.
Mr Fenlon—I think in 1986 they changed the legislation again and called it again the
Summary Offences Act.
CHAIR—Is it the Summary Offences Act as we knew it previously?
Mr Fenlon—No. You have to understand that the previous Summary Offences Act was before
my time. However, I have spoken to, and been trained by, police officers who used that
legislation and they tell me it was wonderful in terms of its application. You could basically
arrest anybody for anything—well, not quite anything!
CHAIR—I am not quite sure that is a good idea.
Mr Fenlon—Neither am I, but I am trying to say that it was much easier. It did not have to
degenerate to a fisticuffs situation. But there are other dynamics involved as well. There are
areas of complaints against police for assault, which go hand in hand. I found in the latter years
of my service that police officers were more reluctant to take fairly swift and forthright action against individuals who were demonstrating antisocial behaviour, for fear of complaint.(留意, 又是投訊風氣累事)
CHAIR—For fear of complaint?
Mr Fenlon—For fear of complaint.(留意, 又是投訊風氣累事)
還有 chris 你對於Consorting act或Summary Offences Act 有兩個或以上的有案底的人被重案組及Consorting Squad探員發現在任何地方習慣牲的聚集,交往, 是可以以被重案組及Consorting Squad探員以 Consorting act或Summary Offences Act 來拘捕, 因為Consorting Squad探員可以懷疑及認定此有兩個或以上的有案底的人是在進行或計劃非法,不法勾當,活動而拘捕兼起訴是否認同?
本人其實大力支持重新成立重案組及Consorting Squad(最緊要警隊高層唔肯去大力加強對重案組及Consorting Squad的監管), 以及大力執行Consorting act或Summary Offences Act!但如果澳洲公眾知道本人大力支持重新成立重案組及Consorting Squad的話, 實會話我支持警權大過天及支持濫用警權! 再加上澳洲近20年或更近久是人權大過天的風氣大大抬頭, 看怕會更會成為公眾及那些該死的維權團體之公敵!
此是一名網友在the age 報紙講及印度及其他國際留學生近年來在頻頻遇襲還有背後的社會問題:
回覆刪除Facts hurts but surveys after surveys as far back as 1988 shows Australians be they doctors ,lawyers or nurses are against Asian migrants.
Historically this country is not used to any non Anglo Saxon migrants but the sentiments remain in the veins in most Australians.
Ironically, these sentiments have now passed to the veins of Australians from non Anglo Saxon background and against any new arrivals here, which so happens to be Indians at this stage of our history.
Immigration has its side effects .
There are white skin heads, bike gangs, Mediterranean mafias; Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese Tongan gangsters.
We are scared to walk in some suburbs at night and some think we deserve to be scared.
At the end of the day we are l Australians and an imperfect one with pockets of criminals and racists idiots as in all other country in this world.
The events of the past decade has seen the harvests today of increasing street violence, drug addicts, drunks, broken families in lower income suburbs.
We need to revisit the events of the last decade:
1) More casinos and gambling addicts 更多賭徒及賭場
2) Weakened laws on drugs and alcohol對洒及毒品的法例不斷減弱
3) An education system that lacks focus on civic consciousness, racial tolerance
4) Politicians who strive on xenophobic fears, locking up refugees like lepers
5) Mediocre leaders who deny the truth and talk more than act
6) Parents spending more time on work and themselves instead of the family
We need only ourselves to blame because we voted the leaders. Ask ourselves how we can mature and improve this tragic moment we are in?
Chris, 看看此篇荒唐的印度報紙報導
回覆刪除Is Melbourne becoming another Kampala for Indians?
AMRITSAR: More than 30,000 Indians have left Melbourne in past one year due to incessant race attacks, harsher visa norms for Indian students and denial of permanent residency to them, Gautam Gupta, the spokesperson of the Federation of Indian Students in Australia (FISA), said.
Speaking to TOI, Gupta said that a majority of Indian students, roughly around 20,000, have left Australia for Canada while rest of them have shifted to other relatively peaceful cities including Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. Recently, a 12-year-old boy had to undergo surgery to reconstruct his eye socket after he was attacked by a group of students, Gautam said.
Race attack was one of the major reasons behind the exodus of Indians from Melbourne. There were other significant factors too. "There are no jobs and students can't survive without that," Gautam Gupta said, while adding that the Australian government was denying permanent residency to many Indians despite fulfillment of conditions. The Oz government has also imposed visa restrictions on Indians and certain new rules were floated every now and then.
An Indian student Bhushan Kumar (name changed) who is studying in Melbourne said that since they (Indian students) work hard and can afford expensive gadgets and wear branded clothes, the locals get jealous and attack them to take out their frustrations. "Melbourne is now like what Kampala was for Indians whose ruler Idi Amin had ordered Indians to leave the country after locals' uproar against Indians success," he added. He also informed that not only students but some well-settled Indian families had also shifted out of Melbourne.
Read more: Is Melbourne becoming another Kampala for Indians? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/indians-abroad/Is-Melbourne-becoming-another-Kampala-for-Indians-/articleshow/6853025.cms#ixzz16H7HS84x
仲有Chris, 現在只有西澳, 南澳有重案組(Major Crime Squad)! 而東岸三洲卻沒有!!
回覆刪除而西澳又日前拘捕了西澳印度檢察官涉嫌殺其妻子, 本人相信西澳法律界將風雨欲來!但本人不解為何區區一名幸福法律上流家庭會發生此事呢?!!
回覆刪除其實這不但是多元文化的事, 在2005年尾的Cronulla 騷亂中, 己顯示多元文化己行不通, 現今是Cronulla 騷亂5 周年, 卻是今日連串印度人被打/殺的後遺症!本人寫以下幾點:
回覆刪除1: 新洲警方及政府不在事後狠狠反擊(包括澳洲聯邦政府),調查及 將所有參與Cronulla 騷亂的白人及中東人全數逮捕, 只是集中力量逮捕12月11日參與Cronulla Beach騷亂 的白人, 而不逮捕在12月11日,12日夜晚騷亂的中東人(其後只逮捕幾名中束人), 其後更被傳媒踢爆沒有中東人參與Cronulla 騷亂的證據的謊言!!而參與Cronulla 騷亂的白人被新洲警方及政府/傳媒一一視通緝犯兼放在報紙新聞頭條!!何其公平呢?! 新洲警方及政府一錯過了一次恢愎權威及將悉尼南區西南區所有中東人幫會及童黨直搗黃龍的機會!! 而John Howard的澳洲聯邦政府看見這些不平事後,也沒有主動用公權力及聯邦警察干預,奪去新洲警方及政府的調查力, 由聯邦政府及聯邦警察去調查及將所有參與Cronulla 騷亂的白人及中東人全數逮捕及送上聯邦法院審埋!(若本人是John Howard,我一定這樣做, 話之乜Federalism 廢話 ) 若果John Howard 有做這事,肯定讓全國民象眾啪手掌叫好兼大大增加自由黨連任機會.結果冇做到!! 本人在4/5年前和朋友說澳洲政府人民一定被此事的後遺症後悔! 結果近年來一一顯然!!
回覆刪除2:澳洲的白人種族主義/歧視者在Cronulla 騷亂中錯估了中東/黎巴嫩人幫派/童黨的動員能力,團結,報復決心. 就前差人Micheal Kennedy 在 Bulletin 周刊說:"Michael Kennedy was not surprised by the rush of thugs who terrorised beachside Sydney suburbs following the ugly outbreaks of Aussie jingoism at Cronulla last December. Those who sought to “bash a Leb” were naive to think that the Lebanese “would go back to their boxes, like good wogs do. They didn’t expect Abdul to jump up with baseball bats and say: ‘You want a battle? Fine’.”
回覆刪除就是以為中東/黎巴嫩人年輕一代會好似上一代中東/黎巴嫩人,意大利人,希臘人,南歐人般忍受白人的種族主義/歧視者,結果在12月11-13日晚就看見了.再加上澳洲受回教/中東人恐襲威脅近十年內大增, 令白人的種族主義/歧視者將目標轉向印度人/南亞人時, 也犯下同樣錯誤,錯估了印度人/南亞人人動員團結能力, 以為印度人/南亞人會好似80-90年代的亞洲移民(越南人除外)般忍受, 結果是在澳洲印度人上街遊行抗議, 印度所有傳媒大髟報導狠狠批評澳洲之餘, 還有印度人民,團體, 政黨/政客上街遊行抗議, 還有印度人民,團體, 政黨燒澳洲國旗及總理假人洩憤. (這是澳洲一百年來國旗及總理假人被燒!唉....). 下一個白人種族主義/歧視者目標是誰難保了.
有沒有搞錯 ...你那邊是站兩個人...
"卡小姐愛將"..."男朋友" <--愛將的男朋友...等..族繁不及備載...超多的....
2009.9.5(六) 怪怪印度人不要坐我旁邊!!!
後來我忍我不住,我就問他why do you choose the seat beside me???
i just can say~nothing!!